In 2016, Jerome Samuel, the founder of the organization, was diagnosed with Dermatomyositis, a rare inflammatory disease which involves skin rash, inflammation and muscle weakness. His condition was only diagnosed after a year as autoimmune diseases are not easily diagnosed because a combination of tests and assessment of his symptoms had to be conducted.
Autoimmune disease is on the increase yet researchers do not know the exact cause of the disease. Diet, infections or exposure to chemicals are possible triggers of the disease. Systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases include more than 100 conditions and are estimated to affect at least 5% of the world’s population, causing significant morbidity and mortality. The vast majority of studies on these diseases are performed in high-income countries creating the impression that autoimmune diseases are of little significance to middle and low-income countries. However, autoimmune diseases are highly relevant to developing countries and should be given the attention they deserve.